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Parents & Teachers


The Sumokids Foundation is dedicated to helping young people develop valuable coping skills needed in a difficult and ever more complicated world.


The Sumokids schools community services program is an innovative initiative designed to teach young people a positive perspective by mixing the tenets of a Sumo leverage & positioning competition with a performing arts competition to help foster personal growth and achievement. This has resulted in a fulfilling and captivating experience that our young people have responded to with loyal and eager enthusiasm.


The Sumokids Program did not flinch from any challenges. Its first project involved students from inner city schools where the needs and challenges are all too well documented. The Program is designed to meet these needs and challenges by improving the self-esteem and personal responsibility of its participants.

Our master coach and experienced team of coaches will train students in the techniques of creating and maintaining a safe and entertaining environment that we have developed through our pilot program at schools and community centers in Buffalo, Niagara Falls, N.Y., and Toronto, Canada.


Our program introduces students to some of the creeds of the ancient sport of Sumo. We have especially chosen those that speak for community and family values: tolerance, and understanding team work.

We include in our daily sessions the notions of how to:

  • control your emotion and actions

  • show honor and respect

  • win with courtesy and lose with dignity and grace

  • cultivate patience

  • have empathy

How Students Benefit


Sumokids is Inclusive!


Sumokids is not just a sports program. It works with all of the diverse talents of its local participants and builds a festival. There are places for wrestlers, artists, singers, dancers, reporters, judgers, musicians and much more.


Sumokids does not exclude students with disabilities. There are no physical or academic reasons to prevent young people from participating in the program and the festival.


Sumokids keeps participants engaged by keeping the program fun. As our pre-pilot demonstrated, this is a very powerful way to provide education.




A modern version of the traditional Japanese sport, Sumokids is fun and educational. While enjoying the program, young people will learn the sport’s ancient history and the code of honor and respect that is at the core of Sumo philosophy.




Artistic and athletic talents combine to build a festival to showcase and celebrate their work.




In our pilot program, students wished to learn more about Sumo. We have answered this need by providing a personally-mentored distance learning training course. This allows us to reach each student individually and help troubled students in a way that meets their needs and concerns.




The festival is an event entitled ‘’Kings of the Line’’ – it is a tournament and a skills competition to showcase the talents and skills of the students. Although students may compete for points, it will not necessarily be in head-to-head competition.


By this time, participants will show that they have learned to win with courtesy and lose with dignity and grace. They will show honor to each other as a reflection of the skills they have learned.

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