“Enrichment Beyond the Classroom”
~~ Lifestyle Fitness ~~
Originally designed to be a locally-developed high school fitness course, Lifestyle Fitness is currently being successfully used by over 170 schools worldwide as a resource to support Physical Education, Fitness, Sports Performance, Wellness, and other related courses.
Lifestyle Fitness incorporates a 3-Unit approach, presenting its various lesson topics in a logical sequence in each Unit, and the entire program progresses from one Unit to the next.
39 lessons are used, and each lesson is accompanied by a short written assignment. Several crossword puzzles are also used in each Unit to help students learn the various terminology and concepts that are presented.
Lifestyle assessments and questionnaires accompany most of the lessons in Unit 1, to help participants to individually examine their lifestyles, and why possible changes in certain aspects of their lifestyles may increase their chances of improving and maintaining overall physical health, and their chances of achieving success in whatever sports or activity pursuits they may be involved with.
Students are encouraged to fill out a standard PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire) prior to starting the program.
Students are also encouraged to undergo a fitness appraisal at the beginning of the program and again towards its end, so they can monitor how well they are progressing or improving with the various components of fitness.
By participating in and completing the Lifestyle Fitness program, we believe that all students will enhance their abilities to perform well with their chosen sports or activities.
We also believe that students that complete Lifestyle Fitness will have the knowledge and tools to better live their entire lives with vigor, by maintaining active participation in activities that they enjoy.
Lifestyle Fitness was created by Derek Becher
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Code EIN 87-4058010
Corporation address: 607 Laurel Drive, Monroeville, PA 15146